Dituel Ltd


Effective Company Competition

Effective Company Competition

With great pleasure we are proud to announce to all of our Customers as a result of Effective Competition, the company in which the 2014 have been featured by the Institute of Modern Business for high efficiency operation. The basis for assessment and verification of the condition of our company within the framework of this competition, a former financial data from the national court register, which are the most reliable guide of the financial situation and business health of each registered company.
However, in our opinion, deserves special attention category in which we received the award, since the efficiency of operability as, productivity, effectiveness and performance, fully indicates the direction in which aims at the development of our company, so all the more valuable for us received Honorable mention.

Elektrim S.A.
FrazPC.pl Sp. z o.o.
Roswell Sp z o.o.
X-Trade Brokers SA
Urząd Miasta Dęblin
Krajowe Biuro  Wyborcze
Ministerstwo Środowiska
Netshare Sp. z o.o.
Berlin Chemie Menarini
Ingenico Polska Sp. z o.o.
Kancelaria Senatu RP
Redefine Sp. z o.o.