Dituel Ltd


Visualization of the elections to the Sejm and Senate 2011

Visualization of the elections to the Sejm and Senate 2011

Electronic visualization platform for elections (formerly DituelELECTIONS DituelEP) is a comprehensive system of importing, processing, presentation and visualization of data related to the election of different types and levels. The System deployed in the KBW was tested successfully during the last elections to the (Lower House) Sejm and to the (Upper House) Senat of the Republic of Poland.


It assured visualize the results of voting and elections and turnout in numerical and graphical taking into account the full territorial division used in these elections (districts, counties, municipalities).


Data of election returns appeared on a regular basis, in cycles of 10 minutes so that the voting results in the individual constituencies could be followed by internet users on an ad hoc basis. Despite the very high network traffic  we ensured continuous, reliable operation and uninterrupted access to the site. Thanks to the high demands placed on them before us, we have significantly expanded the functionality of our platform, which is currently capable of processing much more information and dynamic is able to process with text and graphic presentations.
Our platform has once again been tried and tested successfully meeting the client’s demands in terms of content and capacity.

Elektrim S.A.
FrazPC.pl Sp. z o.o.
Roswell Sp z o.o.
X-Trade Brokers SA
Urząd Miasta Dęblin
Krajowe Biuro  Wyborcze
Ministerstwo Środowiska
Netshare Sp. z o.o.
Berlin Chemie Menarini
Ingenico Polska Sp. z o.o.
Kancelaria Senatu RP
Redefine Sp. z o.o.